Thursday, April 10, 2008

Useless ppl......

hmmm b4 i start everything, this could be an emo post....=S im feeling so so so boring for the whole entire weeek... wel this feeling is like...arghh indescribable.... i feel so lonely, i feel like im always alone wherever i go, especially in uni..... feel so left out... =X... im currently living in my own world seems to be so dull nowadays.. exclude the days where i've to complete my assignmentss...

wad the hell is wrong with meeee?when i have tonnes of assignments n tutorials to do, i keep complaining... when i am free, i tend to complain that my life is.........=S... hahaha i guess im mentally sick..seriously... as in not "that" kinda sick.... im still awake here okay... juz that i need more friendss desperately, friends who can cheer n brighten up my day...aND fill my day with joy,happiness n jokessss.....!!! sometimes i really feel so bad to be the "lamp post" ... i got this special feeling that my friend's bf is so gonna kill me =S hehehe... its fine when is once a while right, but my case is....everyday, everyday, everyday, everyday, everyday!!!! i know ppl will be screwing me silently.... i knew it...but if i dun follow, i would feeel that im sucha loner.....i know how "unfriendly" ,how timid i am..... maybe im juz that kinda gurl??ohh gossh im so terrible when it comes to socialising...i fail..okay.. totally fail!!! help me god!! i seriously need help!!! the whole entire year is going to get ruined by me, if my life continues to be like that...soo uninteresting...=S i prefer life with ups n downs...(but of course not like wad i've suffered b4..) isnt that way better than wad im dealing right noww??

certain ppl are so horrible sometimes... *ahem* sometimes only okay..... yesss, i know, no point wishing or praying for ppl to appreciate.. of course, there are ppl hu really appreciate friendship too...but i barely see "those ppl" already... all extinct?err maybe...=S
okay, since this is a public blog, i dun want to talk so much bout this, well guess is better not to reveal everything here.....
have to learn how not to curse ppl anymoree..!!! hahaha BUt... cant blame me right/? they treat me like bitch, takan i forgive them by juz giving a smile right????lolss.. hahhaa i know how many times i've mentioned this : "instead of counting how mny times others have hurt u, u shud count how mny times u've forgiven them." it is juz so hard for me to apply this phrase =S No, im not a revengeful person,...=) i neva take revenge on all of them who tried to ruin my *ahem* life okay.... see how humble i was all the time...hahahhahaha!!! n yet im still facing the ****** life...=S i want my life to be filled with different colourss..lolssss.....
one thing.... *i know life is fated....* nvm=) im gonna be a positive thinker =)
i really misss the days where i used to have fun with each n everyone of u...='( (u know hu u are...)
hope there are stil chances to bring up the so called partieee!!hahahahaa!!!i really miss the party loadssss.......!! *pray hard*, it will come true, someday...i bliff..=D

" dun look backwards, get a new direction"?
(thanks eeteng dear)

take care everyone!!
sorry for the boring post.. =(


DumbDumb said...

you know what's going on in your life, and you tend to ignore it by carry on doing what you are doing.

you felt lonely, yet you still wana continue to be lonely. There're alot of new friends that you can make.. Just a simple "Hi" would do.

you got to mix with more people..not juz a single person.. university life's bored when you've only one person to stick to - let alone that person's attached to another..

you can't escape from assignments.. Dun complain about life that much - "why people can live happily why people can do that and i can't??" - DON'T!!!

Instead, try to find ways to impeove your life and make sure you do something about it.Take action~~

chillipadigurl said...

ermmm... thanks for the advice..
but may i know who are u??=)