Monday, April 7, 2008

i Got Tagged by my beloved sista!!!!!

Miss YiLing Ho, huz currently in melbourne =)

1. Do you know the way to heaven? idea..probably after we die? *provided we did good deedzzz, god knows pretty well*

2. What is your dream career?
basically i haven decided wads my future career, the only this is that im stuck in the world on biz which is very stressssfulll.....=S

3. If you were granted an ability, what will it be?
yes yes like my sis, predict the future...n see huz my right one... lolss

4. Where is the place that you want to go most?
for the time being, itz TAIWAN!!! i cant wait to grab fahrenheit n ming dao's stuffs thereee!!

5. If you can have 1 dream to come true, what would it be?
only one?hmm let me see which one is the most important one...hahaa to get my prince charming as soon as possible..hahahaha! *prince charming* okay, not the normal oneess.. wu chun or ming dao can be one of em..ahahahhaa...

6. What do you like in your other half?
ahem...this is really important since im soo picky..=) height is really important for me *though im kinda short* , looks of course has to be a presentable one, nice body, but most importantly great personality that attracts me!!!!

7. What are you afraid to lose the most now?
my family n friendssss!!!

8. If you win $1 million, what would you do?
hahahaa haven gotten that big amount of money b4....if i could imagine, i'll probably go shopping, buy stuffs which are desperately needed, save some for my family..if is possible, i'll hold a big big big birthday parttyyyy!!!! n invite the hot celebritiesss such ass....lalalalala... *u guyz know hu* kekeke

9. If you meet someone that you love, would you confess to him/her?
ahhhh....definitely nOt! im more to the shy type who goes for tradition style..lolss... i'll probably keep everything to myself, or give a hint to him, but certainly not confess plsss.... *someone told me that a hint or an eye contact is obvious enuf to prove it..hahahaa*

10. List out 3 good points of the person who tagged you..
my sister?loving, caring, fragile?, soft hearted, kind n helpful..not to forget, a vain pot..lolss..overall shez a good sister n i love her loadssss!!!!

11. What are the requirements that you wish from your other half?
loves me more than anything else...but of course, hez not restricted from loving his family larh..duhh..lolss.., has to be loyal, caring n trustworthy as well!!! anti playboyzzzz....!

12. Which type of person do you hate the most?
3rd partiesss...godd i seriously canot stand this kinda gurls (as i've experienced once b4..,yet now shez still having a pretty nice time with him damn it, anyw i know god undstds everything...) , seductive gurls, liars, fakers, playboys, betrayers, backstabbers.....etc..etc.. oh ya, also ppl hu dun appreciate friendship...=S

13. What is your ambition?
ermm..when i was young, i used to thought being a doctor, but somehow i ended up in art stream, so my ambition got ruined by me, personally for making the wrong choice.... as time passess,i found nutrition quite interesting but due to my knowledge, i failed to study that as well...n so currently in a biz course now.....which is oh-so-not-me.

14. Confess your sins for today..
attended 2 lectures today...very tiring since it is a MONDAY...=s
also, went to a haircut as well..=) new style?nahh juz a lil shorter...if not im gonna be a bald gurl sooner or later....

15. What do you think is the most important thing in your life?
definitely my family n friendsss!!! love?err...not yet until i found the right one..=) for the time being i shall be loved by muh family n friendss...n...anyone else?hahhaa i wun know...hahaha!

16. Are you a shopaholic a not?
err..yess?no?how to answer?i shop once in a while only larhh.. maybe i'll go insane keep shopping when my mood is doom..! forgive me pls, gurls used to go shopping when they're down right?

17. State one of your desire.
to be lucky enuf to get stg right, n of course, do well in studies n transfer successfully to aussiee next year!!!

18. If you have a chance, which part of your character you would like to change?
be more confident.. =), try to be an optimist =), less gossips and cursing *lol*, learn how to protect my own heart, dun be too fragile and emotional, dun be too sad over unnecessary stuffs anymoreee... =)... some more?hahaha thats all i guesss...

19. Whats the last shocking thing you;ve seen or heard?
err...saw someone whom i shudnt have seen.. lolss.. is like soo outta my expectation n i was totally shocked!

20. What do you need answers to?
i duno.. but i think god can read muh mind...=) hahahaa!!

i'm gonna tag:
hwee sann
