Friday, April 18, 2008


helppppp!! i neeeeeeed help!!!! fyi, im goonnaaa be sooooo-the-busy for approximately a month!!! ehh hello, its a month okay, not a week or a day........=S hmm thats for only assignment okay!!! after May, first sem examination is up.....shhheeeeeettt larhhh!!! honestly speaking, i think im gonnaaa screw exam.... "cannotttt larhh!! i dun wanna fail!!!...='( sobssss"
to my 17 beloved loyal visitors,
guess there wouldnt be any updates for the time being.....prolly after i hand in all the damn assignments........anyw i will trrrrrrryyyy to update if i ever have the time to breathe..lolss...

sheeeesshhh...i dun even have any picturess to upload cause i haven been taking photos for agess already!!! n yeahh, i blog is soo uninteresting...=S i could have made it more interesting n exciting, but i juz dun have the time...soo soo soo sorrrieeee....=(
anyw, bear with me okay!!! i will update asap........ but there's ntg much to blog about, since i neva had awesome event or wtv activities.... i miss hanging out with muh frienddss actually.. but apparently everyone is bz with their own stuffs ever since they started uni or college....=S n so am i... =) and yeahh sis, u are so right! =) i need to put in effort in order to get to know new ppl around right? standing there n wait juz couldnt attract ppl to come over me, not like im the hot type or wad so ever...... okay, i'll try..... =D thanks for ur advice.. =D

so ppl, dun neglect my blog ya =)